Welcome to the Bauce Beat!

Hello World,

It’s a new year and one of my New Year’s resolutions now is to create my own blog. In the past, I have satiated my interest in writing through working at local newspapers, such as the Berkeley Daily Planet, Pomona College’s Student Life Newspaper, and the Orange Peel. With the downturn in the economy, a blog seems like a good choice too. Thus, I have become restless and have started a blog on this monster. In short, the Bauce Beat will be my writing avenue for now.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Rio Bauce and I am a 21 year-old college student who will be graduating from Pitzer College in May. Since I can remember, politics have interested me. Growing up in Berkeley, you can hardly walk down any major stretch of urban sprawl before encountering some form of political activism, whether it be talking with a Green Peace member or being asked to sign a petition to expand the public libraries, or viewing the Occupy Berkeley encampment in front of Bank of America. Although I realize that these passive acts do alone qualify me to write about political events, I think they show the degree that one’s political enthusiasm can shape through waves of stimuli.

Like many college students, I have an avid interest in current politics, with a focus on national, state, and local issues.  Thinking out loud, my blog posts will likely cover topics ranging from the Occupy Movement to the 2012 national elections to Berkeley City Council drama. Feel free at any time to give me any suggestions to what you would like to hear about and I will do my best to include it on the blog.

Stay posted. My first blog post will come soon.

Happy 2012!


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